Use your Arc-er Head in a Drill Press

If you have limited space, or need to take your metal disintegrator to a large part to disintegrate out a broken bolt, tap or other tooling chances are you are a portable metal disintegrator owner.  Electro Arc offers a wide variety of portable metal disintegrators that meet your mobility needs. When you purchase a portable

How are Electro Arc’s IQ and Arc-er Heads different?

A Look at How the Arc-er and IQ Disintegrating Heads are Different: The Arc-er disintegrating head is great for portable use and offers the versatility to disintegrate at any angle.  Chuck this head to your machines like a drill press or use it with one of our fixtures. You can remove broken tooling from

Is it time to rebuild your Disintegrating Head?

You Can Have Your Disintegrating Head Rebuilt, or You Can Have the Whole Machine Rebuilt Rebuilding your Electro Arc disintegrating head can save you money in the long run, and prevent damage to your machine. Reduce noise levels and eliminate the chief causes of downtime for your business. When you rebuild your IQ-disintegrating head here’s