If you have limited space, or need to take your metal disintegrator to a large part to disintegrate out a broken bolt, tap or other tooling chances are you are a portable metal disintegrator owner. Electro Arc offers a wide variety of portable metal disintegrators that meet your mobility needs.
When you purchase a portable metal disintegrator, it may be convenient to use our disintegrating head directly on a drill press. Our Arc-er disintegrating head is designed to chuck up to a drill press or other machine tool in seconds. Check out the video below to see how quickly we removed the head from our cross arm and had it ready to rock on a drill press.
Some things to consider when you use our head-on machine tools such as a bridge port are: coolant containment – your drill press may have a trough for coolant collection, but if not you’ll want to use a bucket or tub to catch the coolant, especially if you are operating your head at an angle. This is also an advantage of having the dual coolant valve. You can recycle the coolant with no mess!
Clearance for parts, check the travel before you start the project to make sure you can set up the electrode with enough room to disintegrate.
Extensions for power and coolant, make sure you get the proper extensions to reach from the metal disintegrator to your machine tool and accommodate the coolant as well. Keep in mind you must use electro arc power coolant cables otherwise your machine will not run properly.