Simple to Operate – Electro Arc metal disintegrators are engineered to operate worry-free. There are no warning indicators, no pressure gauges, or special adjustments to make after the disintegration process.
The 15 or 10-KVA power supply (now includes 20KVA) supplied with Electro Arc metal disintegrators allows you to disintegrate holes as large as 1 inch through hardened die steel. With an Electro Arc metal disintegrator, you can disintegrate a ½” diameter hole through a 1” piece of hardened die steel in approximately 6-7 minutes and we will not kick a reset button or breaker (½ inch electrode is used for removing 1” taps)
The Uni-Tek machines, which were designed with a lighter KVA rating, would not even put a ½ inch diameter hole 1 inch through hardened die steel without kicking the reset button on the front panel. When the reset button kicks it is an indication that the transformer is eating up and it is too much for the machine. Uni-Tek claims they can put a ¼” hole 1” deep in two minutes, You could never do this with a Uni-Tek machine. Their transformer was too light.
Auto Feed Feature:
Electro Arc features an automatic transistorized power feed (now referred to as the Auto Feed) that opiates unattended with a micro depth shut-off. The automatic feed never retracts during the cutting process as other equipment does. The maintenance of the automatic feed is simple as everything is mounted on a printed circuit card that can be removed from the auto feed box. Diodes and transistors on the printed circuit card are standard electrical equipment.
Disintegrating Head
The Electro Arc disintegrating heads are rigid, IQ, and servo for precision with a one-year warranty. Each head is made with a hard chromed finish designed for 24-hour continuous operation. It outperforms all other equipment. Electro Arc uses an electro-mechanical system which is superior to pneumatic systems
Cross Arms
Electro Arc offers a double barrel cross arm assembly on the model 2-DBQT (Now the 2-DVQT) which is probably one of the things that makes it so popular, it also makes it heavy-duty with roller bearings for easy fingertip movement in comparison to the single barrel option. The quill casting that mounts on the end of the double barrel (instead of “D” for double barrel, the V stands for Vertical) arm is graduated in one-degree markings and can be tipped to predetermined angles. This is not provided with competitive equipment. Additionally, you can raise and lower the cross-arm on Electro Arc metal disintegrators with a 12” lift mechanism.
Looking at Electro Arc’s model 2-DBQT (now the 2-DVQT) again, the complete superstructure can be removed from the work surface and mounted on adjacent surfaces. It can either be “C” clamped or bolted down. If you desire a magnet to support the superstructure, we can supply a 3000 lb pull permanent magnet. The diameter of the column that supports an Electro Arc machine is 2-¾”, nearly twice the diameter of competitors.
Electro Arc offers over 40 model options because we know you may need something a little different, for example, our model 2-DB is almost identical to the 2-DBQT except it features our portable Arc-er disintegrating head allowing you the option to chuck the head into other equipment a versatile option not available with other metal disintegrating brands.
Uni-Tek’s superstructure came with a standard 1500 lb electromagnet to support the superstructure. The magnet has half the holding power of the one provided with Electro Arc’s machines. A major safety hazard is if you lose electric power so does the magnet lose holding power and the superstructure can fall over and possibly cause injuries.
All-in-one portability for all models – Although some of our models are marketed as portable, we design every model to include the power supply coolant tank, and magnetic fixture to be contained and transported on a cart with heavy-duty castor wheels.
- Too expensive to repair
- Performance is below expectation (you were undersold)
- Overloading transformer
- Need a solution for removing both large and small broken taps
- Slow burning times
- Need to burn deeper broken taps quicker
What you need to run an Electro Arc metal disintegrator
Electro Arc electrodes are available in the following specifications:
Molybdenum – Round electrodes are recommended for disintegrating taps, drills, and bolts. They are available in a variety of sizes for your tooling and you can choose between 6. 9. 12 and random lengths
Graphite electrodes are available in round, square, and hex shapes. These electrodes are generally used for taking out carbide tools and carbide bits in drill heads
Copper electrodes
Magnetic pick set – This tool features seven steel tapered picks normally used for picking out small bits of the tool that has been disintegrated. Used for cleaning out the hole
SPC water primer (coolant) – Electro Arc has a concentrated mix, you can use water-based coolant but it must have a rust inhibitor and a little oil to keep our coolant pump lubed
Deep hole inspection light – Used to put illumination at the bottom of a deep hole
Splash bags These are special tapered plastic bags that attach to the nose of our spindle with an O-ring. The purpose of these bags is to control the coolant splash. The coolant pressure is 90 PSI and must not be lowered. The splash bags can help you keep the coolant from spraying everywhere.
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