Spark Erosion is Another Term For EDM

Did you know that EDM technology was more widely accepted in Eastern countries?  Existing manufacturing processes in the United States were already in use when EDM technologies were developed.  This made it more expensive for shops to invest in these new machines.  In some countries, EDM technologies including metal disintegrators were called “Spark Eroders” because of the sparks they emit when in use.  

When exploring the history of EDM development, Electro Arc founder, Harold Stark’s name is mentioned as part of the first American team tasked with creating a metal disintegrating machine to remove broken bolts and taps.  At the same time, a team in Ukraine was developing the technology that would lead to EDM (spark-eroding machines).  This discovery led to the development of EDM machining as we know it today.  Similarly, the discovery made by the American team led to metal disintegration machines which are specifically used to remove broken tooling.

As the first manufacturer of metal disintegrators, and the first to patent the technology, Electro Arc is considered the world’s best metal disintegrator manufacturer in the world.  Our factory builds over 40 different metal disintegrator configurations including portable metal disintegrators suited for on-site applications such as for use in mining operations, off-shore oil rigs, wind turbine repair, off-road vehicle repair, and our machines have been used on Naval submarines for years. In addition, our tabletop models have applications in repairing production equipment, removing broken bolts from expensive castings, small shops may offer broken bolt removal with these machines in automotive applications, and provide repairs in a number of industries.  The Uni-Tek line of metal disintegrators was purchased by Electro Arc in 2004, adding DC metal disintegrators to the Electro Arc product line.

Comments (2)

  1. Pingback: What is the Spark Erosion Process?

  2. Pingback: Setting the Record Straight With Metal Disintegration Machining | Terminology

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